Go Build Cross Tools

As those who write multi-platform applications will attest, configuring a reliable cross-development environment on Windows can be a chore. If you're developing a native app that leverages other open source libraries, you've chosen a path that will challenge even the most patient of Zen masters.

Compilers/assemblers/linkers. Headers. Libraries. Build tools. Required source tweaks. Library version linking issues. Upstream maintainers with bad attitudes immune to your best cajoling. Absurdly clueless decisions by tool suppliers a la Microsoft's removal of the command line tools from the Windows 8 SDK after finally doing the right thing years ago with the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003. Great, what started as a challenging adventure quickly turned into a grinding slog-fest through a tarpit infested with brambly roadblocks and fun-sucking vampires.

But, Don Quixote de la MultiPlatform, all is not hopeless. Go to the rescue.

This post is targeted to quickly getting you set up and productive on a Windows development system simply because it has been such a fight in the past. However, thanks to the hard work of the Go contributors, setting up a multi-platform development system on Windows, Linux, OS X and other platforms is simple. As such, all of the info shared below is applicable to building multi-platform Go development environments on non-Windows platforms.

Get and Build Go

The first step toward Go development nirvana is to get a local copy of Go's Mercurial repo via

C:\Apps>hg clone https://code.google.com/p/go/ go-hg

C:\Apps>cd go-hg && hg sum
parent: 16706:37bf155bc780 tip
 cmd/5g, cmd/6g, cmd/8g: more nil ptr to large struct checks
branch: default
commit: 3 unknown (clean)
update: (current)

One of the many fantastic features of Go is that Go provides its own multi-platform capable compilers and tools. Even more fantastic is that both the toolchain and the Go environment are easily built on Windows 32/64-bit systems with just a simple MinGW gcc setup.

I've built Go with a number of different MinGW flavors including the 32 and 64-bit gcc 4.8.0 mingw-w64 flavors. In all cases, the build experience has been painless. When I've run into issues, the committers have been fast and easy to work with.

Automating Your Cross Builds

One of the most valuable gifts you can give your hacking self is to automate your build workflows so you can stay in the zone. This task is often a tooth pulling experience, but not with Go. Go's default build helpers work equally well on Linux, Windows, and OS X.

While the Go install documentation shows how to build the Go environment from source, I chose to create the following PowerShell helper to automate building my Go environment to support 32-bit Windows, Linux, and OS X platforms. I use a slightly more complex version on my Windows 8 system to build for 32/64-bit Linux, Windows, and OS X platforms.

# file: build_all.ps1

$toolkit = 'C:\DevKit-mb4.8.0\mingw\bin'
$targets = 'windows:386:1', 'linux:386:0', 'darwin:386:0'

$orig_path = $env:PATH
$env:PATH = "$toolkit;$env:PATH"

Push-Location src
  $targets | % {
    $env:GOOS, $env:GOARCH, $env:CGO_ENABLED = $_.Split(':')
    switch ($env:CGO_ENABLED) {
      '0' { $cmd = 'make.bat --no-clean' }
      '1' { $cmd = 'all.bat' }

    Write-Host "`n---> building for $env:GOOS/$env:GOARCH platform`n" `
               -foregroundcolor yellow
    Invoke-Expression ".\$cmd"

$env:PATH = $orig_path

If you're stuck with using .bat files, here's a helper to get you started.

:: file: build_all.bat

@echo off

set DEVTOOLSDIR=C:\DevKit-mb4.8.0\mingw\bin

pushd src

  echo ---^> building Go for windows 386
  set GOOS=windows
  set GOARCH=386
  call all.bat

  echo ---^> building Go for linux 386
  set GOOS=linux
  call make.bat --no-clean

  echo ---^> building Go for darwin 386
  set GOOS=darwin
  call make.bat --no-clean


Go Build Multi-platform Apps

Now that you've created a reliable, multi-platform Go development environment, it's almost embarassing how easy it is to build Go applications that run on Windows, Linux and OS X systems.

In a future post I'll go into more details of other Go goodies such as Go's #ifdef killer build contraints. For now, here's a simple Ruby Rakefile showing how easy it is to build multi-platform Go apps using the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables, and the go command line tool.

require 'rake/clean'
require 'rbconfig'

UPX_EXE = 'C:/Apps/upx/bin/upx.exe'
S7ZIP_EXE = 'C:/tools/7za.exe'
# ---------------------------

task :default => :all

ARCH = ENV['GOARCH'] || '386'
BUILD = 'build'
PKG = File.expand_path('pkg')


def dev_null
  if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mingw|mswin/

desc 'build all OS/arch flavors'
task :all => %W[build:windows_#{ARCH} build:linux_#{ARCH} build:darwin_#{ARCH}]

namespace :all do
  desc 'build and shrink all exes'
  task :shrink => [:all] do
    Dir.chdir BUILD do
      Dir.glob('*').each do |d|
        Dir.chdir d do
          Dir.glob('uru*').each do |f|
            puts "---> upx shrinking #{d} #{f}"
            system "#{UPX_EXE} -9 #{f} > #{dev_null} 2>&1"

namespace :build do
  %W[windows:#{ARCH}:0 linux:#{ARCH}:0 darwin:#{ARCH}:0].each do |tgt|
    os, arch, cgo = tgt.split(':')
    ext = (os == 'windows' ? '.exe' : '')

    desc "build #{os}/#{arch}"
    task :"#{os}_#{arch}" do |t|
      puts "---> building uru #{os}_#{arch} flavor"
      ENV['GOARCH'] = arch
      ENV['GOOS'] = os
      ENV['CGO_ENABLED'] = cgo
      system "go build -o #{BUILD}/#{t.name.split(':')[-1]}/uru_rt#{ext}"

desc 'archive all built exes'
task :package => 'package:all'

directory PKG
namespace :package do
  task :all => ['all:shrink',PKG] do
    ts = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M')
    Dir.chdir BUILD do
      Dir.glob('*').each do |d|
        case d
        when /\A(darwin|linux)/
          puts "---> packaging #{d}"
          system "#{S7ZIP_EXE} a -tgzip -mx9 uru-#{$1}-#{ts}-bin-x86.gz ./#{d}/*  > #{dev_null} 2>&1"
          mv "uru-#{$1}-#{ts}-bin-x86.gz", PKG, :verbose => false
        when /\Awindows/
          puts "---> packaging #{d}"
          system "#{S7ZIP_EXE} a -t7z -mx9 uru-windows-#{ts}-bin-x86.7z ./#{d}/* > #{dev_null} 2>&1"
          mv "uru-windows-#{ts}-bin-x86.7z", PKG, :verbose => false


As the Go team prepares to release 1.1, it's a great time to dig into the details of how Go can make your multi-platform hacking a lot nicer. It's obvious that the team is both experienced and refreshingly pragmatic in their approach to providing a great environment for quickly building multi-platform apps. Go take advantage of their hard work and expertise!

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